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The 34th Annual Interdisciplinary Plant Group (IPG) Symposium “Root Biology” was held June 7-9, 2017 in the Christopher S. Bond Life Sciences Center at the University of Missouri. This year’s symposium brought together nearly 200 attendees from across the globe to discuss recent advances in studies of root growth, development, and function as well as root-rhizosphere interactions. The sessions featured 23 invited speakers as well as seven invited poster talks.

The symposium kicked off with an evening reception with welcoming remarks from University of Missouri System President Dr. Mun Choi on Tuesday, June 6th at The Roof in the Broadway Hotel.

The scientific program began on Wednesday June 7th with opening remarks from Dr. Mark McIntosh, Vice Chancellor for Research, Graduate Studies and Economic Development, University of Missouri. Dr. Malcolm Bennett, University of Nottingham, UK presented the opening keynote, “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants to Uncover the Mechanism of Auxin Action”, which was dedicated to the memory of Dr. Tom Guilfoyle, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Biochemistry, University of Missouri.

This year’s symposium also included an evening keynote from Dr. Jonathan Lynch, Pennsylvania State University, and Dr. Jill Findeis, University of Missouri, on “New Roots for Agriculture: Better Beans for Africa”.

In addition to the session talks, the symposium provided networking opportunities through a dinner with the speakers, exclusive for students and postdocs, and receptions and poster sessions on Wednesday and Thursday featuring nearly 75 posters.

The 35th Annual IPG Symposium on “Advances in Plant Metabolism” will be held May 30 – June 1, 2018. To be notified regarding updates on the 2018 symposium, please visit