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Chung-Ho Lin

Chung-Ho Lin

Research Associate Professor
School of Natural Resources

E-mail: linchu at missouri dot edu
Office address: 203 ABNR
Office phone: 573-882-6283

Dr. Lin is the research associate professor and lead scientist in charge of bioremediation and natural products research programs at the Center for Agroforestry at University of Missouri. His primary research involves the use of plants, microbes and engineered enzymes for bioremediation, ecological restoration and development of bioeconomy. His research has been focused on bioremediation of organic pesticides, petroleum contaminants, endocrine disruptors, munitions explosives, personal care products and pharmaceuticals. For the natural product research, Lin primary research foci include 1) identifying the new uses of the high-valued natural products isolated from the specialty crops and byproducts using metabolomic approach, and 2) developing novel biocatalyst systems for production of biofuel and specialty chemicals, and remediation of environmental pollutants. Lin and his team have successfully transferred their inventions to the industry. The spin-offs from his research include Elemental Enzymes Inc. and Tiger Energy LLC (now Tiger Enzyme Solutions). His other active research projects include air quality monitoring, chemical ecology, environmental toxicology and biofuel research

Current projects:

  • Coronavirus Sewershed Surveillance Project. The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS/ Center of Disease Control (CDC) Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) Program $450,000 (2020-2021 CO-PI)
  • COVID-19 Wastewater Testing Contracts. HDR Engineering Consulting Firm/City of Boise Idaho. $53,000 (2020-2021 CO-PI) • Ecophysiology, ecosystem services, and environmental education of short rotation woody crops grown for phytotechnologies, USDA-Forest Service (EPA/USDA Great Lake Restoration Initiative), $350,000 (2019-2024 PI).
  • Paternal Residential Exposure to Unconventional Oil and Gas Drilling (UOG). National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institute of Health (NIH) R21 $450,000 (2020-2022 CO-PI).
  • Explore the Economic opportunities and health benefits of the elderberry in Missouri, Missouri Department of Agriculture $29,500 (2018-2019, PI)
  • Explore the economic opportunities and health benefits of the pawpaw in Missouri. $46,500 (2020-2022, PI)
  • Paternal residential exposure to unconventional oil and natural gas extraction (UOG) Pilot Grant Supporting Research and Scholarly Works MU School of Medicine $25,000 (2019-2020, CO-PI)
  • Pesticide Sensor Development and Landscape-Based Sampling Strategy Supporting Implementation of Wetland Water Quality Standards, USEPA $406,661, (2016-2019, CO-PI)
  • Isolation and Characterization of the Bioactive Lowering Cholesterols Phytosterols from Walnuts. PI: Chung-Ho Lin, USDA-ARS MU Center for Agroforestry, $375,000, 2016-2021
  • Removing Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in Municipal Waste Water by Engineered Wetland. PI: Chung-Ho Lin, USDA-ARS MU Center for Agroforestry, $385,000, 2016-2021
  • Development of spore-based biocatalyst for remediation of atrazine. PI: Chung-Ho Lin, USDA-ARS MU Center for Agroforestry USDA-ARS MU Center for Agroforestry, $385,000, 2018-2023.


The innovations form the collaborative efforts have been successfully transferred to industries, companies including (bioremediation, agriculture production and enhancement), Spogen Biotech Inc. (remediation of chemicals and animal health), Tiger Energy LLC., now known as Enzyme Solutions (biofuels, blood type conversion and production of specialty chemicals), and established industrial players like Bayer.

Elemental Enzymes is now a self-sustaining company with offices in St. Louis and Columbia, Missouri, and Jacksonville, Florida. Elemental Enzymes alone has over 114 patents, 37 employees, active in 6 countries, and is producing products that have been applied on more than 7 million acres of crops in U.S. alone in 2019, contributing to more than 1 billion additional pounds of corn production. In addition, Lin is currently a co-founder and lead scientist at the Tiger Enzyme Solutions. The Tiger Enzyme Solutions located at MU Life Science Incubator is focused on the blood type conversion (production of universal blood type O), water treatment, bioremediation, and production of specialty chemicals using a programmable novel continuous-flow enzymatic reactor system.

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  • 2020 MU System President's Award for Economic Development
  • 2020 Featured Scientist MOST Policy Initiative
  • 2020 Nomination for National Academies' EPA Advisory Committee
  • MU System 2017 FastTrack Competition Award ($50,000 award)
  • MU School of Natural Resources 2018 Outstanding Advisor Award
  • MU School of Natural Resources 2017 Research Faculty Award
  • 2015 MU Mizzou Advantage Entrepreneurial Award
  • 2012 MU Global Scholar
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Khanh-Van Ho, Kathy L. Schreiber, Danh C, Vu, Susan M. Rottinghaus, Daniel E. Jackson, Charles Robert Brown, Zhentian Lei, Lloyd W. Sumner, Mark V. Coggeshall, Chung-Ho Lin. 2019. Black walnut (Juglans nigra) extracts inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokine production from LPS-stimulated human pro-monocytic cell line U-937. Frontiers in Pharmacology, section Ethnopharmacology (in press)

Danh C Vu; Thi L Ho; Phuc H Vo; Mohamed Bayati; Alexandra N Davis; Zehra Gulseven; Gustavo Carlo; Francisco Palermo; Jane McElroy; Susan Nagel; Chung-Ho Lin. 2019. Assessment of Indoor Volatile Organic Compounds in Head Start Child Care Facilities. Atmospheric Environment (in press)

Lyndy Joy McGaw, Ajay Kumar Srivastava, Chung-Ho Lin, Vanessa Steenkamp. 2019. Book Review: Medicinal Plants for Holistic Healing. Frontiers in Pharmacology, section Ethnopharmacology (in press)
Melanie J. A. Body, William C. Neer, Caitlin Vore, Chung-Ho Lin, Danh C. Vu, Jack C. Schultz, Reginald B. Cocroft and Heidi M. Appel. 2019 Caterpillar Chewing Vibrations Cause Changes in Plant Hormones and Volatile Emissions in Arabidopsis thaliana. Front. Plant Sci., 26 June 2019 |

Body, M.H. A., M.S. Zinkgraf, T.G. Whitham, C-H. Lin, R.A. Richardson, H.M. Appel, J.C. Schultz. 2019. Heritable phytohormone profiles of poplar genotypes vary in resistance to a galling aphid. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 32 (6): 654 DOI: 10.1094/MPMI-11-18-0301-R

Jeanne Dollinger, Chung-Ho Lin, Ranjith Udawatta, Valerie Pot, Pierre Benoit, Shibu Jose 2019 Influence of agroforestry plant species on the infiltration of S-Metolachlor in buffer soils. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 225:

Vu, D.C., Lei, Z.,Coggeshall, M.V., Sumner, L.W.and Lin, C.-.H. 2019 Identification and Quantification of Phytosterols in Black Walnut Kernels. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. Food Composition and Analysis 75, 61-69

Alexandra N. Davis, Gustavo Carlo, Zehra Gulseven, Francisco Palermo, Chung-Ho Lin, Susan C. Nagel, Danh C. Vu, Phuc H. Vo, Thi L. Ho, and Jane A. McElroy 2019 Exposure to Environmental Toxicants and Young Children’s Cognitive and Social Development. Reviews on Environmental Health 34: 35-56.

Danh C. Vu, Phuc H. Vo, Mark V. Coggeshall, and Chung-Ho Lin. 2018. Identification and characterization of phenolic compounds in black walnut kernels. Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.8b01181

Kadhem, A., Xiang, S., Nagel, S., Lin, C.H., Fidalgo de Cortalezzi, M. 2018. Photonic molecular imprinted polymer film for the detection of testosterone in aqueous samples. Polymers

Kassotis, C., Vu, D., Lin, C.H., Cornelius-Green, J., Patton, S., Nagel, S. 2018. Endocrine disrupting activities and organic contaminants associated with oil and gas operations in Wyoming groundwater. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

Danh C. Vu, Thi L. Ho, Phuc H. Vo, Gustavo Carlo, Jane A. McElroy, Alexandra N. Davis, Susan C. Nagel and Chung-Ho Lin. 2018. Determination of volatile organic compounds in child care centers by thermal desorption gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Analytical Method 10: 730-742

Jingjing Dai, Danh Vu, Susan Nagel, Chung-Ho Lin, Maria Fidalgo. 2018. Colloidal crystal templated molecular imprinted polymer for the detection of 2-butoxyethanol in water contaminated by hydraulic fracturing. Microchimica Acta 185:32

Christopher D. Kassotis, Danh C. Vu, Phuc H. Vo, Chung-Ho Lin, Jennifer N. Cornelius-Green, Sharyle Patton, and Susan C. Nagel. 2018. Endocrine Disrupting Activities and Organic Contaminants Associated with Oil and Gas Operations in Wyoming Groundwater. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 75:247-258

Thi L Ho, Haiying Zhou, Chung-Ho Lin, Shengjun Liu, Mikhail Y. Berezin, Reid J Smeda, and Felix B. Fritschi. 2017. Synthesis and plant growth inhibitory activity of N-trans-cinnamoyltyramine-Its possible inhibition mechanisms and biosynthesis pathway. Journal of Plant Interactions 12: 51-57.

Kejia Pang, J. W. Van Sambeek, Nadia E. Navarrete-Tindall, Chung-Ho Lin, Shibu Jose, and H.E. 'Gene' Garrett. 2017. Responses of legumes and grasses to non-, moderate, and dense shade in Missouri, USA. I. Forage yield and its species-level plasticity. Agroforestry Systems doi:10.1007/s10457-017-0067-8

Kejia Pang, J. W. Van Sambeek, Nadia E. Navarrete-Tindall, Chung-Ho Lin, Shibu Jose, and H.E. 'Gene' Garrett. 2017. Responses of legumes and grasses to non-, moderate, and dense shade in Missouri. USA. II. Forage quality and its species-level plasticity. Agroforestry Systems doi:10.1007/s10457-017-0068-7

Robert N. Lerch, R. N., Chung-Ho Lin, Keith W. Goyne, Robert J. Kremer, and Steve H. Anderson, 2017. Vegetative buffer strips for reducing herbicide transport in runoff: effects of season, vegetation, and buffer width. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 53(3):667–683. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12526.

Abua Ikem, Chung-Ho Lin, Bob Broz, Monty Kerley, and Ho Le Thi. 2017. Occurrence of enrofloxacin in overflows from animal lot and residential sewage lagoons and a receiving-stream. Heliyon (Published) Oct; 3(10): e00409. 2017 Oct 10. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2017.e00409

Kassotis CD, Tillitt DE, Lin CH, McElroy JA, Nagel SC. 2016. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and oil and natural gas operations: potential environmental contamination and recommendations to assess complex environmental mixtures. Environmental Health Perspectives. DOI:10.1289/ehp.1409535

Fengzhen Wang, Chung-Ho Lin, Sonja Wilhelm Stanis, Xingkuan Wu, Shibu Jose. 2016. Urban Public Open Space Therapeutic Landscape - from landscape architecture perspectives. 2016 International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering (SEEE2016) Conference Proceedings

Rebecca M. Nordenholt, Keith W. Goyne, Robert J. Kremer, Chung-Ho Lin, Robert N. Lerch, Kristen S. Veum. 2016. Veterinary Antibiotic Effects on Atrazine Degradation and Soil Microorganisms. Journal of Environmental Quality 45: 565-575.

Kassotis C, Klemp K, Vu D, Lin CH, Drobnis E, et al. 2015. Endocrine disrupting activity of hydraulic fracturing chemicals and adverse health outcomes following prenatal exposure in male mice. Endocrinology doi: 10.1210/en.2015

Ahsan M. Rajper, Ranjith P. Udawatta, Robert J. Kremer, Chung-ho Lin, Shibu Jose. 2016. Effects of probiotics on soil microbial activity, biomass and enzymatic activity under cover crops in field and greenhouse studies. Agroforestry Systems 90: 811-827.

Willett, C. D., R. N. Lerch, C.-H. Lin, K. W. Goyne, N. D. Leigh, and C. A. Roberts. 2016. Benzoxazinone-mediated triazine degradation: A proposed reaction mechanism. J Agric. Food Chem. 64: 4858-4865

Dai J, Zhang C, Lin C.H., Hu Z. 2015. Emission of carbon dioxide and methane from duckweed ponds for stormwater treatment. Water Environment Research. 2015; 87:805-812.

Le Thi H, Lin C.H., Smeda RJ, Leigh ND, Wycoff WG, Fritschi FB. 2014. Isolation and identification of an allelopathic phenylethylamine in rice. Phytochemistry. 2014; 108:109-21.

Willett CD, Lerch RN, Goyne KW, Leigh ND, Lin CH, Roberts CA. 2014. A simple method for isolation and purification of DIBOA-Glc from Tripsacum dactyloides. Natural product communications. 2014; 9(9):1283-6.

Thi H, Lin CH, Smeda R, Fritschi F. 2014. Isolation and purification of growth-inhibitors from Vietnamese rice cultivars. Weed Biology and Management. 2014; 14:221-231.

Willett, C.D., R.N. Lerch, C.-H. Lin, K.W. Goyne, N.D. Leigh, C.A. Rober. 2013. Identification of an atrazine-degrading benzoxazinoid in eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 61(34):8026-33

Khoobchandani, M., K. Katti, A. Zambre, C.-H. Lin, K. Katti. 2013. Green nanotechnology derived from broccoli phytochemical-based gold nanoparticles: implications in nanomedicine. International Journal of Green Nanotechnology. 1:1-15

Ikem, A., B. Broz, J. Garth, S. Tesfaye, C.-H. Lin. 2013. Evaluation of surface water quality impacted by sewage overflows from animal and residential lagoon systems using principal component analysis. J of Environmental Analytical Toxicology. 3:1-8.

Hagan, D.L., S. Jose, C.-H. Lin. 2013. Allelopathic root exudates of cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica): potential implications for the performance of native pine savanna plant species in the southeastern U.S. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 39:312-22.

Chu, B., S.H. Anderson, K.W. Goyne, C.-H. Lin, and R.N. Lerch. 2013. Sulfamethazine Transport in Agroforestry and Cropland Soils. Vadose Zone Journal, doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0124

Chu, B., K.W. Goyne, S.H. Anderson, C.-H. Lin, and R.N. Lerch. 2013. Sulfamethazine sorption to soil: vegetative management, pH, and dissolved organic matter effects. Journal of Environmental Quality. 42(3):794-805.

Hagan, D.L., S. Jose, C.-H. Lin. 2013. Allelopathic root exudates of cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica): potential implications for the performance of native pine savanna plant species in the southeastern U.S. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 39:312-22.

Chu, B., S.H. Anderson, K.W. Goyne, C.-H. Lin, and R.N. Lerch. 2013. Sulfamethazine Transport in Agroforestry and Cropland Soils. Vadose Zone Journal, doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0124

Chu, B., K.W. Goyne, S.H. Anderson, C.-H. Lin, and R.N. Lerch. 2013. Sulfamethazine sorption to soil: vegetative management, pH, and dissolved organic matter effects. Journal of Environmental Quality. 42(3):794-805.

Keesey, I.W., B.A. Barrett, C.-H. Lin, R. Lerch. 2012. Electroantennographic responses of the small chestnut weevil curculio sayi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to volatile organic compounds identified from chestnut reproductive plant tissue. Environmental Entomology, 41:731-1042

Wu, S.H., K.W. Goyne, R.N. Lerch, and C.H. Lin. 2011. Adsorption of isoxaflutole degradates to aluminum and iron hydrous oxides. Journal of Environmental Quality 40: 528-537.

Lin, C.-H., R.N. Lerch, K.W. Goyne, and H.E. Garrett. 2011. Reducing herbicides and veterinary antibiotic losses from agroecosystems using vegetative buffers. J. Environ. Qual. 40:791-799.

Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, R.J. Kremer, H.E. Garrett and M.F. George 2011. Stimulated rhizodegradation of atrazine by selected plant species. Journal of Environmental Quality 40: 1113-1121. Wiley-Blackwell.

Chu, B., K.W. Goyne, S.H. Anderson, C.H. Lin, and R.P. Udawatta. 2010. Veterinary an-tibiotic sorption to agroforestry buffer, grass buffer, and crop-land soils. Agroforestry Systems 79:67-80.

Lin, C.H., K.W., Goyne, R.J. Kremer, R.N. Lerch, and H.E. Garrett. 2010. Dissipation of sulfamethazine and tetracycline in the root zone of grass and tree species. Journal of Environmental Quality 39:1269-1278.

Thompson, B.M., C.H. Lin, H.Y. Hsieh, R.J. Kremer, R.N. Lerch, and H.E. Garrett. 2010. Evalu-ation of PCR-based quantification techniques to estimate the abundance to atrazine chlorohydrolase gene atzA in rhizosphere soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 39:1999-2005.

Chu, B., K.W. Goyne, S.H. Anderson, C.H. Lin, and R.P. Udawatta. 2010. Veterinary antibiotic sorption to agroforestry buffer, grass buffer, and cropland soils. Agroforestry Systems 79:67-80.

Chu, B., K. Goyne, S.H. Anderson, R.P. Udawatta, and C.H. Lin. "Veterinary antibiotic sorption to agroforestry buffer, grass buffer and cropland soils." In M.A. Gold and M.M. Hall (eds.). 2009. Agroforestry Comes of Age: Putting Science into Practice. Proceedings, 11th North American Agroforestry Conference. 31-40.

Lerch, R.N., C.H. Lin, and H.E. Garrett. "Utilizing vegetative buffer strips to remove dissolved and sediment-bound herbicides from surface runoff." In M.A. Gold and M.M. Hall (eds.). 2009. Agroforestry Comes of Age: Putting Science into Practice. Proceedings, 11th North American Agroforestry Conference. 41-42.

Lin, C.H., B.M. Thompson, H.Y. Hsieh, R.J. Kremer, R.N. Lerch, M.M. Cernusca, and M.A. Gold. "Screening and testing phytochemicals in eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana) for development of potential entrepreneurial opportunities." In M.A. Gold and M.M. Hall (eds.). 2009. Agroforestry Comes of Age: Putting Science into Practice. Proceedings, 11th North American Agroforestry Conference. 109-114.

Lin, C.H, K.W. Goyne, R.J. Kremer, R.N. Lerch, and H.E. Garrett. "Rhizodegradation of sulfamethazine and tetracycline and the associated impacts on soil microbial activities." In M.A. Gold and M.M. Hall (eds.). 2009. Agroforestry Comes of Age: Putting Science into Practice. Proceedings, 11th North American Agroforestry Conference. 349-358.

Lin, C.H., W.D. Walter, H.E. Garrett, and R.N. Lerch. "Controlling swine odor with natural windbreak." In M.A. Gold and M.M. Hall (eds.). 2009. Agroforestry Comes of Age: Putting Science into Practice. Proceedings, 11th North American Agroforestry Conference. 339-348.

Lin, C.H., B.M. Thompson, H.Y. Hsieh, R.J. Kremer, R.N. Lerch, and H.E. Garrett. "Introduction of atrazine-degrading Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP to enhance phytoremediation of atrazine." In M.A. Gold and M.M. Hall (eds.). 2009. Agroforestry Comes of Age: Putting Science into Practice. Proceedings, 11th North American Agroforestry Conference. 183-190.

Lin, C.H, K.W. Goyne, R.J. Kremer, R.N. Lerch, A.L. Spohn, and H.E. Garrett. "Rhizodegradation of sulfamethazine and tetracycline and the associated impacts on soil microbial activities." In M.A. Gold and M.M. Hall (eds.). 2009. Agroforestry Comes of Age: Putting Science into Practice. Proceedings, 11th North American Agroforestry Conference. 349-358.

Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, H.E. Garrett, and M.F. George. 2008. Bioremediation of atrazine-contaminated soil by forage grasses: Transformation, uptake and detoxification. Journal of Environmental Quality 37:196-206.

Lerch, R.N., C.H. Lin, and N.D. Leigh. 2007. Reaction pathway of the diketonitrile degradate of isoxaflutole (Balance) with hypochlorite in water. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55:1893-1899.

Van Sambeek J.W., N.E. Navarrete-Tindall, H.E. Garrett, C.-H. Lin, R.L. McGraw, and D.C. Wallace. 2007. Ranking the Shade Tolerance of Forty-five Candidate Groundcovers for Agroforestry Plantings. The Temperate Agroforester Newsletter 15(4).

Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, H.E. Garrett, and M.F. George. 2007. An Improved GC -MS/MS Method for determination of atrazine and its chlorinated metabolites uptake by forage plants-laboratory and field experiments. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38:1753-1773.

Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, H.E. Garrett, Y.X. Li, and M.F. George. 2007. An Improved HPLC-MS/MS Method for Determination of Isoxaflutole (Balance) and Its Metabolites in Soils and Forage Plants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55:3805-3815.

Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, H.E. Garrett, and M.F. George. 2007. Ability of forage grasses exposed to Atrazine and Isoxaflutole (Balance) to reduce nutrient levels in soils and shallow groundwater. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38:1119-1136.

Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, H.E. Garrett, and M.F. George. 2007. Ability of forage grasses exposed to Atrazine and Isoxaflutole (Balance) to reduce nutrient levels in soils and shallow groundwater. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38:1119-1136.

Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch., R.J. Kremer, H.E. Garrett, and M.F. George. 2007. Stimulated rhizodegradation of atrazine by selected plant species. Proceedings of the 10th North American Agroforestry Conference, June 9-14, Quebec, Canada.

Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, H.E. Garrett, C.J. Gantzer, and S.H. Anderson. 2007. Utilizing vegetative buffer strips to remove dissolved and sediment-bound atrazine, metolachlor and glyphosate from surface water runoff. Proceedings of the 10th North American Agroforestry Conference, June 9-14, Quebec, Canada.

Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, R.J. Kremer, H.E. Garrett, R.P. Udawatta, and M.F. George. 2005. Soil microbiological activities in vegetative buffer strips and their association with herbicide degradation. In K.N. Brooks and P.F. Folliott (ed.) Moving Agroforestry into the Mainstream. The 9th North American Agroforestry Conference Proceedings, June 12-15, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dept. of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. pp. 1-10.

Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, H.E. Garrett, and M.F. George. 2004. Incorporation of selected forage grasses in riparian buffers designed for the bioremediation of atrazine, isoxaflutole (Balance) and nitrate. Agroforestry Systems. 63:91-99.

Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, H.E. Garrett, Y.X. Li, and M.F. George. 2003. Degradation of isoxaflutole (Balance) herbicide by hypochlorite in tap water. Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry 51:8011-8014.

Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, W.G. Johnson, D. Jordan, H.E. Garrett, and M.F. George. 2003. The effect of five forage species on transport and transformation of atrazine and Balance (isoxaflutole) in lysimeter leachate. Journal of Environmental Quality 3:1992-2000.

Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, H.E. Garrett, E.M. Thurman, and M.F. George. 2002. Determination of Balance (isoxaflutole) and its metabolites in water using high-performance liquid chromatography with UV and mass spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50(21):5816-5824.

Lin, C.H., R.L. McGraw, M.F. George, and H.E. Garrett. 2001. Nutritive Quality and Morphological Development under Partial Shade of Some Forage Species with Agroforestry Potential. Agroforestry Systems 53(3):269-281.

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