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29th Annual Interdisciplinary Plant Group Symposium


The 29th Annual Interdisciplinary Plant Group Symposium “Plant Physiology in the Omics Era” was held May 23 - 25, 2012 in the Christopher S. Bond Life Sciences Center on the University of Missouri campus in Columbia, MO. This year’s symposium brought together 180 attendees from across the globe to examine challenges and emerging paradigms in studies of plant physiology in the “omics” era. The symposium was organized around four major themes; Carbon, Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Quality, Environment, and Development. The sessions featured 23 invited speakers as well as five invited poster talks.

Dr. Richard Richards from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organization (CSIRO) in Canberra, Australia, kicked off the symposium with a keynote address titled “Integrated Approaches to Accelerate Crop Genetic Improvement”, which focused on opportunities to boost yields needed to meet increasing demand and avoid food insecurity. The opening night keynote speaker, Dr. Deborah Delmer, University of California, Davis, examined the continuing efforts needed to advance agriculture in the developing world; this presentation was open to the public. The symposium wrapped up with a final keynote from Dr. John Boyer from the University of Delaware. Dr. Boyer provided a synthesis presentation on “Plant Physiology of the Future in the ‘Omics’ Era”, which was followed by a discussion with all symposium participants.

In addition to session talks, the symposium provided networking opportunities through a dinner with the speakers, exclusive for students and postdocs, and receptions and poster sessions on Wednesday and Thursday featuring nearly 60 posters.

The IPG would like to thank the sponsors and exhibitors of the symposium who helped make the symposium a success.
Biochemical Journal
Dow AgroSciences
Monsanto Company
Missouri Wines
The National Science Foundation
The University of Missouri’s Chancellor’s Distinguished Visitors Program
The University of Missouri’s Mizzou Advantage Food for the Future Program

The 30th Annual Interdisciplinary Plant Group Symposium, “Root Biology” will be held May 29 – 31, 2013. More information on the 2013 Symposium can be found at