27th Annual IPG Symposium
Plant Protein Phosphorylation: May 26, 2010

Speakers and Organizers: Front row (L-R): Claudia Jonak, Alison DeLong, Paula McSteen, Douglas Randall. Second Row (L-R): June Kwak, Yasunori Machida, Jung-Youn Lee, Elizabeth P. B. Fontes, Sorina Popescu, Heribert Hirt, Jay Thelen, Michelle Leslie, Yan Guo; Third Row (L-R): Dominique Bergmann, Antje Heese, Taishi Umezawa, Scott Peck, Jianmin Zhou, Shuqun Zhang, Gloria Muday; Fourth Row (L-R): Paul Grimsrud, Elena Shpak, Jeff Anderson, Morten Petersen, Gary Stacey, Brian Mooney; Top Row (L-R): Brian Ellis, Jan Miernyk, Joseph Kieber, Michael Muzynski, Steven Huber
The 27th Annual Interdisciplinary Plant Group Symposium was held from May 26-28, 2010, on the Columbia campus of theUniversity of Missouri in the Christopher S. Bond Life Sciences Center.
This year, the IPG sponsored the 2010 Symposium on Plant Protein Phosphorylation. This series of symposia are aimed at providing a broad survey of the latest advances in the field of protein phosphorylation and to promote interactions among plant scientists working in this field across the globe.
This year marked the eleventh international Symposium on Plant Protein Phosphorylation. The first Symposium on Plant Protein Phosphorylation was organized by Dr. Douglas D. Randall and the Interdisciplinary Plant Group (IPG) at the University of Missouri (MU), Columbia, in 1990. This event represented the first U.S. and/or international meeting to focus specifically on plant protein phosphorylation as a unifying theme. Subsequent Symposia on Plant Protein Phosphorylation were held in 1993 (MU), 1994 (Britain), 1996 (MU), 1997 (France), 2000 (MU), 2001 (Austria), 2003 (MU), 2005 (Japan), and 2007 (MU).
Organizing Committee
- John Walker, Chair
- Jianlin Cheng
- Antje Heese
- Gary Stacey
- Jan Miernyk
- Brian Mooney
- Jay Thelen
- Scott Peck
- Shuqun Zhang
- Paula McSteen
- Melody Kroll
Sponsors and Exhibitors
The Interdisciplinary Plant Group would like to thank the following sponsors and exhibitors, without whose generous support the 26th Annual IPG Symposium would have not been possible.
- National Science Foundation
- Stadler Genetics Symposium
- U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science
- Biochemical Journal
- Journal of Experimental Botany
- Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
- Monsanto
- National Center for Soybean Biotechnology
- SageN Research
- Bruker Daltonics
- Missouri Wine and Grape Board
- Conviron
- Primm Biotech
- Bluestem Missouri Crafts
2010 Biochemical Journal's Young Investigator Poster Award Winner
The winner of the Biochemical Journal's Young Investigator Poster Award at the 27th Annual Interdisciplinary Plant Group Symposium was Christian Burr, Christian Burr, Curriculum in Genetics and Molecular Biology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The winning poster was "CAST AWAY, a receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase, regulates floral organ abscission," co-authored by Christian Burr, Michelle Leslie, Catherine Wright, Mark Daniels, Sarah Liljegren.