The 31st Annual Interdisciplinary Plant Group Symposium "Plant Protein Phosphorylation" was the 13th meeting of this international Symposium aimed at providing a broad survey of the latest advances in the field of protein phosphorylation in plants and to promote interactions among plant scientists working in this field across the globe.
A Bioinformatiocs Workshop was offered folllowing the symposium on Friday. This workshop featured five talks and demonstrations.
- Dr. Cecilia Arighi, University of Delaware
- Dr. Caren Chang, University of Maryland
- Dr. Jean Colcombet, URGV - INRA/CNRS/UEVE
- Carina Collins, University of Missouri
- Dr. Wolf Frommer, Carnegie Institution for Science
- Dr. Andrea Gust, University of Tubingen
- Dr. Elizabeth Haswell, Washington University - St. Louis
- Dr. Gwyneth Ingram, ENS de Lyon
- Dr. Patrick Krysan, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Dr. Sheng Luan, University of California, Berkeley
- Dr. Hirofumi Nakagami, RIKEN CSRS
- Dr. Zachary Nimchuk, Virginia Tech
- Dr. Mary Schaeffer, USDA-ARS
- Dr. Waltraud Schulze, University of Hohenheim
- Dr. Libo Shan, Texas A&M
- Dr. Gary Stacey, University of Missouri
- Dr. Jaimie Van Norman, Duke University
- Dr. Christian Voigt, University of Hamburg
- Dr. Rick Vierstra, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Dr. John Walker, University of Missouri
- Dr. Klaas van Wijk, Cornell University
- Dr. Diego Wengier, Stanford University/HHMI
- Dr. Cathy Wu, University of Delaware
- Dr. Dong Xu, University of Missouri
- Dr. Yanhai Yin, Iowa State University
- Dr. Dazhong Dave Zhao, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- Dr. Jian-Min Zhou, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Organizing Committee
- Scott Peck, Ph.D., Committee Co-Chair, University of Missouri
- Cathy Wu, Ph.D., Committee Co-Chair, University of Delaware
- Cecilia Arighi, Ph.D., University of Delaware
- Walter Gassmann, Ph.D., University of Missouri
- Antje Heese, Ph.D., University of Missouri
- Isaiah Taylor, University of Missouri
- Dong Xu, Ph.D., University of Missouri
- Shuqun Zhang, Ph.D., University of Missouri
- Victoria Bryan, University of Missouri
- University of Delaware
- Monsanto
- Mizzou Advantage
- MU Colleage of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
- MU Chancellor's Distinguished Visitors Program